
AnimalGalleries.org provides pictures of animals big and small. These photo galleries are a collection of animal photos from around the world.

All of the photos used on this site are licensed either under Creative Commons, GNU General Public License, or they are Public Domain. All images remain the rights of their respective photographers.

Animal List

Welcome to AnimalGalleries.org. Our goal is to be the largest most comprehensive collection of animal photos, from around the world. We will be adding galleries and images regularly so be sure to check back.

Latest Albums

  • Wild Cats

    Wild Cats 07/07/2011

    Animal photo galleries of Tigers, Lions, Leopards, Jaguars, Panter, Lynx, and more.

    There is something amazing about big, wild cats. For generations they have... »

  • Small Land Mammals

    Small Land Mammals 07/10/2011

    Animal photo galleries of Monkeys, Fox, Squirrels, Dogs, Skunks, Rabbit, and more.

    These photo galleries are of small land mammals.

  • Large Land Mammals

    Large Land Mammals 07/12/2011

    Animal photo galleries of Elephants, Bears, Wolves, Horses, Rhino, and more.


  • Ocean Mammals

    Ocean Mammals 08/11/2011

    Animal photo galleries of Whales, Dolphin, Seals, Orca, Humpback, Bottlenose, and more


  • Birds

    Birds 08/30/2011

    Animal photo galleries of Eagles, Hawks, Penguins, Toucan, Crow, and more

    Birds (aves) are feathered, winged, egg laying animals. They inhabit ecosystems accross... »

  • Reptiles

    Reptiles 10/24/2012
