provides pictures of animals big and small. These photo galleries are a collection of animal photos from around the world.
All of the photos used on this site are licensed either under Creative Commons, GNU General Public License, or they are Public Domain. All images remain the rights of their respective photographers.
There is something amazing about big, wild cats. For generations they have been symbolized as noble yet feirce, and rightly so. They are some of the most loved and adored animal on this planet. Pictures of magestic Tigers, Lions, Leopards, and all other naturally wild cats can be found here.Animal photo galleries of Tigers, Lions, Leopards, Jaguars, Panter, Lynx, and more.
The Tiger (Panthera tigris), a member of the Felidae family, is the largest of the big cats and one of the most revered and loved animals. reaching up to 3.3 metres (11 ft) in total length,... »
Although White Tigers are not a separate subspecies their beauty still deserves its own gallery. White Tigers are not albino, rather their white fur is the cause of a recessive gene. An additional... »
The Lion (Panthera leo), King of the jungle. A male lions mane is highly distinctive, making it one of the most recognizable animals, and a popular symbol in human culture.
The Jaguar (<em>Panthera onca</em>) ranges across a variety of forested and open terrain. It is strongly associated with the presence of water and is notable as a feline that enjoys... »
The Leopard (Panthera pardus) is the smallest of the four "big cats" in the genus Panthera. They also have the largest distribution of any wild cat. It is similar in appearance to the... »
The clouded leopard (<em>Neofelis nebulosa</em>), has a tan or tawny coat, and are distinctively marked with large, irregularly-shaped, dark-edged ellipses which are said to be shaped... »
The Cheetah, (Acinonyx jubatus), has by far the fastest land speed of any living animal — between 112 and 120 km/h (70 and 75 mph), having short bursts covering distances up to 500 m ... »
A Lynx is any of the four Lynx genus species of medium-sized wildcats. Lynx have short tails and characteristic tufts of black hair on the tip of their ears.
The four types of Lynx are the...
The Caracal (<em>Caracal caracal</em>) is a fiercely territorial cat. Although it has traditionally had the alternative names Persian Lynx, Egyptian Lynx and African Lynx, it is no... »