provides pictures of animals big and small. These photo galleries are a collection of animal photos from around the world.
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Bears are mammals of the family Ursidae. They are widespread throughout the world and vary greatly. However there are only eight species of living bear left in the world. Their diet varies from Polar bears being pruimarily carnivorous, to Panda bears being entirely herbavores. They are mainly nocturnal, and some have long periods of hibernation. Hunting bears has been common practice throughout history for furs and meat. They also range from being least concern to threatened in the endangered scale. The eight species of living bear are: The Brown Bear, Polar bear, Giant Panda bear, American black bear, Asian black bear, Sun bear, Sloth Bear, and the Specticaled bear. TO ADOPT A POLAR BEAR VISIT WWF HERE: Adopt a Polar Bar. Adopting is cheap, comes with a stuffed animal, and makes a great gift.
Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is native to the arctic circle. It is also the largest bear, and the largent land carnivor... »
The Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is native to china, and easily recognised by its distinctive black and white coat. They are endangered and concidered threatened due to habitate... »
The American black bear (Ursus americanus) is North America's smallest and most common species of bear. There are many sub species of Black bear, and dispite its name can come in a variety... »
The Brown bear (Ursus arctos) is a large bear distributed throughout North America and Eurasia. Subspecies include the Grizzly bear, the large Kodiak bear, the Tibeten Blue bear, and many... »