
AnimalGalleries.org provides pictures of animals big and small. These photo galleries are a collection of animal photos from around the world.

All of the photos used on this site are licensed either under Creative Commons, GNU General Public License, or they are Public Domain. All images remain the rights of their respective photographers.

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Bottlenose Dolphin Photo Gallery

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Bottlenose Dolphin Bottlenose_dolphin_with_young Tursiops Delphinidae delfin

Bottlenose Dolphin Bottlenose_dolphin_with_young Tursiops Delphinidae delfin


Camera Maker:Nikon Corporation
Camera Model:NIKON D2H
Original Time Taken:2005:05:27 11:19:10
Shutter Speed:1/1000 sec
ISO Sensitivity:200
Exposure Compensation:0 EV
Metering Mode:Center Weighted Average
Flash Fired:No Flash
Focal Length:300 mm