
AnimalGalleries.org provides pictures of animals big and small. These photo galleries are a collection of animal photos from around the world.

All of the photos used on this site are licensed either under Creative Commons, GNU General Public License, or they are Public Domain. All images remain the rights of their respective photographers.

Animal List

Harpy Eagle

Birds / Eagles /

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Eagle American harpia Harpy aguila Harpy_Eagle_-Oklahoma_Zoo-6a

Eagle American harpia Harpy aguila Harpy_Eagle_-Oklahoma_Zoo-6a


Camera Maker:Canon
Camera Model:Canon PowerShot A530
Original Time Taken:2006:05:25 22:16:44
Shutter Speed:1/60 sec
Exposure Compensation:0 EV
Metering Mode:Pattern
Flash Fired:Red Eye, Auto-Mode
Focal Length:18.353 mm